Richiesta → 165465456


Cod → 165465456
Scadenza: 24/04/2023
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: The company, founded in 1947, is engaged with importing, marketing, distributing, and selling high-quality power tools for production, manufacturing and maintenance, such as manual and electric tools, precise measuring devices, technical supplies, and auxiliary equipment.   The company offers consulting services and professional technical solutions to various issues.   For close to 70 years of activity, with professional and technical experience, we have expanded the range of products and services provided by us in a wide variety of industries, in the fields of high-tech industries and enterprises, electronics cleanrooms, microelectronics, medical equipment, optical equipment, safety, and security equipment, communications equipment, digital printing equipment, electricity, and garage equipment.   Our goal is to maintain a high-quality product line that will continue to connect and tighten our relationship with the end user and the manufacturer-supplier; thus, we import from manufacturers with the International Standard ISO9001:2008.   We have several dealers, but we must increase the variety of our suppliers to meet our customers' demands and the pace of work, which must be very fast.   We want to import more tools and technical equipment at different levels with the appropriate quality requirements to all industries, including DIY.
Settori: Attrezzature per comunita', esercizi commerciali e servizi
Prodotti: Utensili e utensileria; oggetti di coltelleria e posateria da tavola, di metalli comuni; parti di questi oggetti di metalli comuni
Città: Tel Aviv

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