Richiesta → 165465577


Cod → 165465577
Scadenza: 28/12/2023
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: Hello, my name is Umar Danballaje, I am an Agro marketing company CEO, (Trioview International Services) that specializes in farming marketing and processing of different agricultural products we have in this part of the world, from fruits, pulses, tubers and grains such as Mango, Pineapple, shea nuts, groundnuts, soybeans, tigernuts, as well as the newly discovered cassia tora coffee (a copy that is highly medicinal) We based in northern Nigeria, the food basket of west Africa where all these and many more agro products are readily available to serve the european markets and food industries especially the Italian food industry that needs raw materials. We are ready to send to any company of a sample of any products for perusal and further discussions and eventual business relationship.
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Interessi: Settore commerciale
Prodotti: Frutta commestibili; scorze di agrumi o di meloni Caffè, tè, mate e spezie Cereali Semi e frutti oleosi; semi, sementi e frutti diversi; piante industriali o medicinali; paglie e foraggi Cacao e sue preparazioni Preparazioni di ortaggi o di legumi, di frutta o di altre parti di piante
Città: Katsina

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