Richiesta → 165465716


Cod → 165465716
Scadenza: 27/07/2022
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Dear sir / Ma'am Greetings from Lila Trade and Investment In! I am Vaibhav Sirsat and I am the CEO of Lila Trade & Investment In. We are a private company situated in Nagpur, Maharashtra. We work with our clients to get the best business deals for them. We are also involved in import-export trade with our clients. We have come across a project, and our client needs a pasta machine at a budget for their plant or looking forward to collaborate with existing manufacture those are interested to rising there business in India .Our client also requires a packaging machine for their products. We would really appreciate it, It would be great if we can get in touch with you and discuss the details of the business collaboration We look forward to hearing from you, Thankyou Vaibhavsirsat 07507759117
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Interessi: Settore commerciale

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