Richiesta → 165465981


Cod → 165465981
Scadenza: 18/11/2021
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Our company was founded in 1982 and is engaged in many areas of work in the field of metals, such as: light construction, steel construction, stainless steels, pergolas, bridges, strengthening of buildings, interior safety railings and handgrips.  In the export field, the company manufactures steel constructions, steel bridges and special platforms. The company specializes in fast and professional work, with the highest quality. In the field of import, the company is interested in engaging with companies that will supply us metals for the production of our products. Export: Steel Constructions, Bridges and Special Platforms Import: Metals for Production of the above
Settori: Materiali e forniture industriali
Prodotti: Ghisa, ferro e acciaio Lavori di ghisa, ferro o acciaio Rame e lavori di rame Nichel e lavori di nichel Alluminio e lavori di alluminio Piombo e lavori di piombo Zinco e lavori di zinco Stagno e lavori di stagno Altri metalli comuni; cermet; lavori di queste materie
Città: israele

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