Richiesta → 165465982


Cod → 165465982
Scadenza: 18/11/2021
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Import: Building and Construction: Concrete Drills, Silicone Guns, Geotechnical Fabrics, Big Bags, Gloves and Safety Shoes, Screws and Anchors, Marble Glue, Interior Doors, Ropes, Concrete Vibrator, Power Tools, Diamond Cutting, Hand Tools, Broom Brushes, Pumps, Wheelbarrows, Stainless Steel, Leveler, Helmets   Our group of companies, founded in 1984, is one of the leading importers and distributors of home facilities and building materials. We provide solutions for the construction industry, variety of retailers and wholesalers throughout Israel. We offer our customers a range of over 30,000 products and we represent the leading manufacturers in the construction industry. The group employs 300 personal and owns a fleet of 30 trucks entrusted with all nationwide distribution operations. The Import department has over 20 years' experience in international business and procuring in Europe and Asia and insures an efficient and reliable partner. The group represents leading brands in the scope of home facilities and construction business. We are constantly seeking to increase the number of suppliers and manufacturers we represent, in order to expand the range of products we offer to our customers. We are interested in companies that hold wide range of high-quality products that can deliver from inventory within a short lead time. We are a company that invests at R&D and develops new products from time to time.  High level of service is highly appreciated.
Settori: Materiali e forniture industriali
Prodotti: Gomma e lavori di gomma Lavori di pietre, gesso, cemento, amianto, mica o materie simili Prodotti ceramici Vetro e lavori di vetro Perle fini o coltivate, pietre preziose (gemme), pietre semipreziose (fini) o simili, metalli preziosi, metalli placcati o ricoperti di metalli preziosi e lavori di queste materie; minuterie di fantasia; monete Ghisa, ferro e acciaio Lavori di ghisa, ferro o acciaio Rame e lavori di rame Nichel e lavori di nichel Alluminio e lavori di alluminio Piombo e lavori di piombo Zinco e lavori di zinco Stagno e lavori di stagno Altri metalli comuni; cermet; lavori di queste materie
Città: israele

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