Richiesta → 165466041


Cod → 165466041
Scadenza: 02/09/2021
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: DS Borneo Trading Sdn Bhd is a food & beverage importer and distributor in Malaysia. They are based in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Since its inception in 2013, DS Borneo has conscientiously built a strong network in Malaysia, distributing to their customers from North to South of Peninsular and to East Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak).   DS Borneo also has a sister company in Melbourne, Australia whose aim is to source products that align with their vision not only in Australia but other parts of the world such as the UK and Europe.    They are looking at expanding their portfolio for imported goods from Italy.    They are seeking suppliers of chips, snacks, confectionaries, yogurt and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Settori: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare Industria dolciaria Altri prodotti dell'industria alimentare Industria delle bevande Industria enologica Bevande analcoliche Vino e altre bevande
Prodotti: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare Industria dolciaria Altri prodotti dell'industria alimentare Industria delle bevande Industria enologica Bevande analcoliche Vino e altre bevande
Città: Kuala Lumpur

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