Richiesta → 165466148


Cod → 165466148
Scadenza: 24/05/2021
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Local company seeking for inexpensive red and white cooking wine from Italy.    Central Distribution & Agency Sdn Bhd (CDA) is the leading istributor of lifestyle beverages in Malaysia such as premium mineral water, organic juices, sparkling fruit drinks, crafted beers, crafted spirits & garnished fruit items. At CDA, they constantly market, promote and distribute the latest & innovative products from around the globe, ensuring that their portfolio is always on the fringe, offering their customers with alternative solutions to conventional brands. Unlike other brands, their drinks are not mass marketed and focus on the selected food service outlets exclusively.
Settori: Industria enologica
Prodotti: Vini di uve fresche, incl. i vini arricchiti di alcole; mosti di uva, parzialmente fermentati e con titolo alcolometrico effettivo > 0,5% vol o aventi un effettivo tenore, in peso, > 0,5% vol di alcole addizionato
Città: Puchong

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