Richiesta → 165466646


Cod → 165466646
Scadenza: 25/12/2019
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: La ditta LLC AQUAISALL e' interessata ad  offrire alle aziende italiana  i seguenti  impianti :  - units for production of the biodiesel of different productivity with the prices: from 10-20 m3/hour to 40-70 m3/hour and more by request. These are rotor and pulsation devices of the RPA, a brand also on the dispergators- cleaners. - machinery for reprocessing of PET plastic bottles. From customers who have accumulated a large number of bottles that are often in a very polluted state. They are crushed and sent for cleaning and washing on our installations. These are the installations – dispergators-cleaners. We started the production of such installations on order processing mainly in cooperative or home. Pet packaging is valued no less recycled paper or glass. As a result of processing of plastic bottles produces Flex (transparent or colored flakes), which is used for the production of chemical fibers. As a result of secondary    Forms of cooperation can be different: from sale of the equipment on production of the biodiesel before creation of joint ventures for their production, etc. In case of need we can deliver to this line additional devices such as: a press-filter, converter mixer, a screw press, different tanks under the accompanying raw materials and also we can execute any orders according to drawings of the customer and consider production of the biodiesel with the used and technical oils, etc.
Settori: Biotecnologie applicate all'ambiente
Prodotti: Macchine ed apparecchi, n.n.a. in questo capitolo, per la preparazione o la fabbricazione industriale di alimenti o di bevande (escl. macchine ed apparecchi per l'estrazione o la preparazione degli oli o grassi vegetali fissi o animali)
Città: Mosca

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