Richiesta → 165466729


Cod → 165466729
Scadenza: 09/12/2019
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: Hi there, my business proposal is that of distributing contractual/legal/procurement/job interviewing related material that would empower Italian business / Italian people for them to thrive in an international environment where the knowledge of English and Common law rules are dominating when dealing with USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland and other foreign markets. I have already published a book on Italian-international contracts (link below) and I'm ready to publish a second book regarding job interviews for Italians abroad. I'm also working on a new book on how to facilitate Italian companies in bidding for foreign jobs (where documentation is in English) by explaining the legal and commercial rules seen from the foreign bidding company perspective. I would be happy to discuss this further if interested.
Settori: Non catalogabile merceologicamente
Interessi: Settore finanziario Settore commerciale
Città: cork

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