Richiesta → 165466907


Cod → 165466907
Scadenza: 09/03/2019
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: The second idea is to facilitate short educational courses for talented Iranians at Italian industrial or educational centers. We can seize the time that most of western investors and companies have paused their activity to see what will happen eventually to the relationship between Iran and the west, for developing as much as mutual potentials. These potentialities can help us to compensate the missed business opportunities once the situation becomes normal. Iranian youth and experts can become familiar with Italian know-how, experiences and skills. This is not limited to technological industries but can also include different fields such as sports, cinema, theater, painting, sculpturing, music, …. On the other hand, there are ambitious countries that tend to penetrate Iran industry with their low level technology and equipment in the absence of high technological western companies. This threaten the Italian companies to lose their market in Iran for a long time even after the international problems resolved. Short educational courses under an agreement between Italian organizations and Academic Center for Education, Culture & Research (ACECR) as one of the reputable Iranian organizations in research, education and training can form a capacity building program for Iran and Italy.
Settori: Servizi Istruzione e formazione Ricerca e sviluppo Formazione Nanotecnologie
Interessi: Settore commerciale Collaborazione tecnica
Città: Shiraz

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