Richiesta → 165467003


Cod → 165467003
Scadenza: 17/12/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Ernst & Young was recently mandated as advisors in the disposal/dilution of Industrial Development Corporation's (IDCZ) 100% shareholding in Chemplex Corporation Limited (Chemplex). Chemplex is the largest producer of fertiliser in Zimbabwe with interest in animal health, diversified chemicals, insurance and mining.   Chemplex Corporation is a well established group of strategic importance to the Zimbabwean economy as a key supplier to agricutlure, municipal water treatmen, livestock production, mining and other sectors. Founded in 1928 as a wholly owned subsidiary of AECI South Africa, Chemplex was bought by the IDC of Zimbabwe in 1990. The company has six wholly owned operating divisions; ZimPhos, Dorowa Mine, GD Haulage, Chemplex Marketing, Chemplex Animal and Public Health (CAPH) and G&W Industrial Minerals. Chemplex also owns 50% of ZFC and 36% of Sable Chemical Industries making it a key player in the national fertilizer industry. Chemplex also owns 63% of Allied Insurance which manages the group needs and offers short term insurance services. With a well diversified product portfolio feeding into key sectors of the Zimbabwean and regional economy, the company is on a growth trajectory buoyed by the recovery of the local economy and anticipated robust regional growth.
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Prodotti: Concimi
Città: Harare

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