Richiesta → 165467204


Cod → 165467204
Scadenza: 07/08/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: e are looking for a semi-automatic production line of Soft Mozzarella (20% of production) and Pizza Mozzarella (80% of production). Based on the analysis we have found some specs based on our current 4-ton output needs per month. We are looking to start with a semi-automated line and in multiple phases reach a fully automated production line. Consultancy Needs: High-Quality Cheese production with ingredients Machinery Needed: Cheese VAT Curd Drainage VAT Continues Stretching Machine Molding Machine The above are all separate machines part of a production line, however, there is also compact equipment that has some of the above in one full machine.
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Città: Cairo

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