Richiesta → 165467345


Cod → 165467345
Scadenza: 27/03/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Dear Sirs, Could you supply us permanently with leather for making of gloves for handling with bees. Here are the characteristics of leather: Leather can be eater on meter or sold for one kilogram i.e. from remains (rest of production). The remains are cheaper but if metre (metrazhe) is not much expensive it could also suite us. leather remains- above 2 dm2 and more light color – white coffee or beige thickness from 0,6-0,8 mm. Maximum 1 mm. average 0,8 mm fabricated by aniline It has to be leather with face and reverse – not velure lamb or pig. Maybe it could also be from young calf (softer). We would like to get in acquaintance with Italian producer of leather who is interested in cooperation i.e.: Here in Croatia, in some regions there has been a lot of slaughter of lambs but after removing of skin this skin is being throwen away. We could organize the first phase of collecting, maybe some salting or whatsoever and delivering to Italian factor. Hope that you have an answer to our proposal and our request. Hoping to hear from you soon. Best regards Vlado Devcic Kraftlab d.o.o. Zagreb +385989301520
Settori: Abbigliamento in pelle e pellicce
Prodotti: Pelli depilate di suidi, rettili e altri animali e pelli di animali senza peli (escl. di manzi e vitelli, cavalli ed altri solipedi, pecore e agnelli, capre e capretti nonché cuoi e pelli scamosciati, cuoi e pelli verniciati, cuoi e pelli laccati e metallizzati)
Città: Zagreb

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