Richiesta → 165467417


Cod → 165467417
Scadenza: 06/02/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Respected We are a small family company, with 20 years of experience in raising sheep and goats and producing and processing milk. In the company we are all with faculty degrees. We have our own pastures, a farm, a herd of pure high-yielding dairy sheep and goats of French alpine breed, which we grow together (free feeding with grain foods). The farm operates as a registered repro center and our main activity is: -production of genetic breeding material (with pedigree) -production and processing of milk in dairy products (cheese, yogurt, whey ...) For eight years we are also organic producers with license and we produce in our own mini milk (mandra) solidly equipped with inox equipment. We are interested and open for cooperation with a company from Italy that would be interested in financially assisting, investing in the modernization and expansion of our breeding and production capacities in which they would produce organic cheeses according to their recipe and for them to export to Italy ( or third countries) .. Considering the huge disparities in labor costs, the price of milk, especially in the price of finished products (especially organic), which are far lower in Macedonia, the idea of ​​this kind of cooperation seems logical and highly profitable. We are open for cooperation on several grounds -For their name and their account -For our name and our account or some combination basis they would have come Please note that we have invested heavily in this area, we are deep
Settori: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare Zootecnia
Prodotti: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare Zootecnia
Città: Kumanovo

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