Richiesta → 165467440


Cod → 165467440
Scadenza: 24/01/2018
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: The AgroTeam company runs as SME and is the one of the most experienced growers and processors in the Poland . The Company has been started the mushroom business since 1986 , initially as the compost producer , than champignons processor in own plant , finally as the grower in own champignon-growing facilities. The company employs the highly qualified specialists and workers . The years of experience supported by cooperation with academic researchers guarantee continuous and safe champignon deliveries to the customers through the year and enable us to compete on domestic and international market. We use modern technologies and organic methods of cultivation of the champignons , but high-quality mushrooms can be obtained only when are picked manually . So harvesting this way is characterized by the highest quality and is designed to direct consumption or processing. Our products are bought mainly by Italian , German and domestic companies. We appreciate the long-term collaboration with our customers and respect our partners. We offer cooperation with supply of white champignons (agaricus bisporus) , processed (blanched ) or fresh, whole and sliced.
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Prodotti: Funghi e tartufi, preparati o conservati (ma non nell'aceto o acido acetico)
Città: Rakoniewice

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