Richiesta → 165467571


Cod → 165467571
Scadenza: 08/08/2018
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: Societa' kazaka "AK NAN SEVER", coltivatore-esportatore (principali tipi di attivita': coltivazione, conservazione (in silo), lavorazione e vendita di grano e derivati; geografia di esportazione: Cina, Iran, Polonia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) ubicato al nord del Kazakhstan e' in ricerca di acquirenti:    QUOTE Commercial offer We address you with a proposal for the sale of grain crops 2016-17 years. We sell wheat soft and hard varieties, barley, oilseeds crops of flax, soybean, rape and other, flour of the highest and first grade. Our grain elevator LPP ”Ak Nan Sever” is located in the north Kazakhstan region. The elevator capacity is 68000 tons. At the rail brood dead-end 18 wagons can be delivered   at the same time, the loading of one car takes 20-60 minutes. In a day we can ship up to 30-36 cars. We provide a service for the shipment of wheat in a sack bag (per month up to 240 covered wagons). We have our own sawing fields, motor depot, a  mill of LPP “Novoishimsky flour mill” with a productivity of 1500 tons of flour per month. WE also provide a service for processing documents and shipment of goods to the destination station on the terms of incoterms 2010. If you are interested in buying, we will be happy to discuss all the details of cooperation. Turning to us today, you get guaranteed quality, stable prices, rhythmic supplies, which is confirmed by many years of experience in the market of grain. We are looking for reliable partners and we are looking forward to a beneficial cooperation. UNQUOTE   Per le infromazioni aggiuntivi e nel caso di interesse si prega di rivolgersi direttamente ai seguenti contatti:  - Sig. Asslan Kenzhegali, Manager per le vendite (inglese parlato e scritto): Cell.: +7 775 375 4937 - Sig.ra Botagoz, interprete: E-mail: oppure Sig.ra Aliya Gabbassova, Capo Dipartimento di Vendite: +7 778 219 9855 ; Cell.: +7 705 291 8365-  (russo parlato / inglese scritto) oppure: + 701 221 1453 - Sig.ra Angela, Manager per le vendite (russo)
Settori: Agro-alimentare
Prodotti: Cereali Farine di frumento "grano" o di frumento segalato
Città: North-Kazakhstan region

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