Richiesta → 165467928


Cod → 165467928
Scadenza: 07/06/2017
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: Everything in nature, plants, animals, water, soil and air, it refreshes your body and soul every day and throughout life. To receive them by nature is as natural, so demanding and professional. BioCenter brings Albania a very wide range of products of high quality, for people with refinement and exquisite taste, who know how to care for the harmony of their body and mind, for those who want to feel fresh and healthy throughout life . Our products are carefully selected from high-level companies in Europe. In them they are intertwined selected products for the whole body, to health and inner beauty and radiates out. BioCenter products come from different countries of the world, from the seabed to the countries grassland forests with rare values ​​natyrore.Për further BioCenter evaluated and analyzed with special attention to local products from farms and manufacturers in across the country. These products are of high quality and are destined for Western markets. The great diversity and richness of forests, meadows, fields and Albanian holdings, which are valued at polling cosmetics, pharmaceutics and selected culinary world. BioCenter welcomes you to its facilities with a shumelljshmeri products, which as you have seen before in Albania. BioCenter can find it very easily, in the heart of Tirana, to former Bloc with a modern and friendly.
Settori: Agro-alimentare Cosmetici e prodotti per l'igiene personale
Città: tirana

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