Richiesta → 165468131


Cod → 165468131
Scadenza: 19/01/2017
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: At Gourmandines, we specialise in importing &  distributing fine food products, cookware, kitchen utensils from France, Italy and Spain.  Our mission is to provide you with more than just a product: it's a total gourmet experience with our daring flavours creating a dynamic culinary celebration. Our familiarity with European countries and cultural nuances, as well as our experience in the food and beverage industry allow us to offer great products and innovative equipment & utensils. As your source to gourmet ingredients, our commitment is to bring you the highest quality food products at the best value prices, that the world has to offer. Why travel so far when we can bring Europe on authenticity to your doorstep delivering fine dining to your fingertips. An exclusive range of : Fine food products Chef ustensils Sommelier tools Kitchenware Tableware Corporate gifts
Settori: Paste alimentari Industria lattiero-casearia Pane ed altri prodotti da forno Industria dolciaria Olii e grassi Piatti pronti Droghe, spezie ed erboristeria
Prodotti: Semi e frutti oleosi; semi, sementi e frutti diversi; piante industriali o medicinali; paglie e foraggi Zuccheri e prodotti a base di zuccheri Cacao e sue preparazioni Utensili e utensileria; oggetti di coltelleria e posateria da tavola, di metalli comuni; parti di questi oggetti di metalli comuni
Città: Kuala Lumpur

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