Richiesta → 165468491


Cod → 165468491
Scadenza: 11/01/2017
Tipologia: Offerta
Testo: Best Group is an Egyptian based Company with its headquarter in 6’October City, Giza. has established in 2015. Our activities focused on exporting Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Green Olives, Olive Oil, Tea, Beans, Spices and Herbs. Vision To be the preferred supplier of Food Product, Agricultural, Industrial products, Pharmaceutical, and Chemical Products in Egypt Mission We provide fast, efficient, reliable and cost-cutting procurement services to Clients across the world Best Group realizes that cost containment and cost control are part of the major challenges that our clients face. With cost-containment in mind, Best Group has and continues to enter into distributorship agreements with various product manufacturers in Egypt. Our Range of products includes (but is not limited to) We can supply with Fresh vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Green Olives, Olive Oil and Packed Tea. We can supply also with the following products under Brand name Al Doha White Beans, Black Eye Beans, Yellow Lentils, Brown Lentils, Fava Beans, Chick peas, Sesame Molokia (Jews Mallow), Anise, Black & White Pepper, Pod Pepper, Cumin, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dried Mint, Lupine, Popcorn, Curry, Coriander, Thyme (oregano), Black Seeds, Mastic, Bay leaves, Oregano, Mixed Spices and Pasta. Al Doha Products packed in sacks, PP bags, Jar and shaker
Settori: Ortofrutticoli
Prodotti: Semi di anice Zenzero, zafferano, curcuma, timo, foglie di alloro, curry e altre spezie (escl. pepe del genere "Piper", pimenti del genere "Capsicum" o "Pimenta", vaniglia, cannella, fiori di cinnamomo, garofani "antofili, chiodi e steli", noci moscate, macis, amomi, cardamomi, semi di anice, semi di badiana, semi di finocchio, semi di coriandolo, semi di cumino, semi di carvi nonché bacche di ginepro) Olio di oliva vergine e sue frazioni ottenuti esclusivamente dai frutti dell'ulivo attraverso procedimenti meccanici o fisici senza pregiudizio degli oli
Città: 6' October - Giza.

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