Richiesta → 165465548


Cod → 165465548
Scadenza: 18/01/2023
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Dear Sir/Madam, KisanKraft Limited is one of the largest small agriculture machineries companies in India with 300+ machineries covering most aspects of cultivation viz. soil preparation, planting, crop management, harvesting and post harvesting operations. We manufacture and export several agricultural machineries to many countries. Looking for agriculture machinery businesses in Italy  Given below is a brief write up on KisanKraft. KisanKraft is a professionally managed organization and the leader in small farm machinery. We are headquartered at Bangalore (Karnataka, India). We have 14 regional offices and 5,000+ dealers in India. We have over INR 2+ Billion in revenues and have a team of 600+ employees. Our manufacturing plant, R&D, Testing, Skilling, Service and Central Warehousing is at our 46 acres campus at Nellore (Andhra Pradesh, India). We manufacture inter-cultivators (aka power weeders), gasoline engines, diesel engines, and water-pumps at this factory. These machines qualify for India Country of Origin and might be eligible for getting preferential duty rates in your country. Many components are made inhouse at our factory. We have 13 patents for our farm machineries. We also have a Seeds R&D team to develop Sustainable Direct Seeded Rice (SDSR) technology for reducing water consumption, fertilizers, pesticides etc. We were admitted to The United Nations’ “Sustainable Rice Platform” (SRP) in 2020. We are also developing seeds for various vegetable crops. We won 1st prize among BRICS countries in 2020 for our seeds work. Our mobile App for small farmers provides agronomy support, weather forecast, agriculture news, crop prices, buying machinery etc., and a platform for farmer-to-farmer rental of machinery. This app is available on Google PlayStore for free download. Our App has been downloaded about half a million times. This app already supports 11 Indian languages and can be easily extended for other languages and product portfolios. Our Power Tools product range under Aryantra brand meets customer demand for good quality tools, spare parts, and after-sales service for construction, carpentry, and industrial use.   Attached is our brief write up and company presentation and a link containing a 2-minute video of our Nellore plant.   We are looking forward to finding partners in your country with your support.   Thanks and regards, V Joe Jacob Director (Marketing) KisanKraft Limited Mobile No: +91 9743899092
Settori: Agro-alimentare Ortofrutticoli Frutta fresca Ortaggi Funghi e tartufi Cereali Frutti oleosi Altri ortofrutticoli
Prodotti: Caricatori appositamente costruiti per l'agricoltura (escl. quelli costruiti per essere portati su trattori agricoli e trattori agricoli) Spalatrici e ammassatrici meccaniche (escl. quelle costruite appositamente per l'agricoltura e caricatrici-spalatrici semoventi)
Città: Bengaluru

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