Richiesta → 165465570


Cod → 165465570
Scadenza: 03/01/2023
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: As part of the opening of our restaurant named “Le BELLAGIO”, we are looking to hire an Italian chef to lead the cuisine here in Algeria. Located in the heart of Algiers, near El Hamma Garden, within the limits of the Sofitel Hotel, the restaurant wishes to offer its future clients an authentic gastronomical experience around the Italian food culture. So as to provide the best customer experience, WELLCOM Advertising thinks that only a native Italian chef can carry out this mission. For this purpose, we are looking forward to meeting every candidate for this adventure here in Algeria. Be welcomed to reach out and learn more about the offer.
Settori: Agro-alimentare Servizi Non catalogabile merceologicamente
Interessi: Settore commerciale
Città: Algiers

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