Richiesta → 165465690


Cod → 165465690
Scadenza: 25/08/2023
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: We are Alhuda company for manufacturing and printing food coverage and plastic bags, hereby inform you that is one of Leading companies in its field in Libya and It is characterized by the quality of the product and the presentation of Libyan products in the best image Our company relies on importing raw materials from abroad because they are not available in Libya, such as polycarbonate, polypropylene cast, Falco printing inks + ink solvents and industrial liquid cola. We require products of plastic films + polypropylene and its abbreviations OPPMAT+OPPMETALIZD+OPP+CPP+PTA And print inks for printing machine ( Flexo) 8 colors
Settori: Materiali per imballaggio
Interessi: Settore commerciale
Città: Tripoli

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