Richiesta → 165467248


Cod → 165467248
Scadenza: 15/06/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Company Name Scandinavian Marine (21530) Contact Person Initial contact will be made through the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce: Ms. Yonat Keren International Relations Division Telephone: 972-3-5631020 Email: E-Mail Website      Year of Establishment 2003 No. of Employees 10 Offer No. 86202 Summary of offer Import: All kinds of fresh and frozen fish and seafood products Description of 0ffer The company has vast experience & knowledge in the fish import and export business for more than two decades. The company is a fish solution specialist, providing product development, business development, and export and import solutions. The company started as importer of fish and seafood from all over the world to Israel, selling to a large segment of the Israeli market from restaurants through hotels to retails chain stores. The company and its founder and owner, are known for being the first ones to import fresh fish to Israel and actually initiated this market. Today, we are responsible for approx. 10,000 tons of fresh and frozen fish globally each year. We sell to customers in Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Chile, Turkey, Vietnam, USA, Holland, Germany, Canada, Spain, Italy, New Zealand and China. We buy from all over the world. We are constantly looking for new suppliers for our customers and for new customers for our exclusive providers, and aiming for major locations in potential markets. Potential Partners Fish and seafood manufacturers and suppliers. Target Countries Worldwide.
Settori: Pesce fresco e congelato Conserve di pesce
Prodotti: Pesci e crostacei, molluschi e altri invertebrati acquatici Pesci, vivi Pesci, commestibili, freschi o refrigerati (escl. filetti di pesce e di altra carne di pesci della voce 0304) Pesci, congelati, commestibili (escl. filetti di pesce e altra carne d ipesce della voce 0304) Filetti di pesci e altra carne di pesci, anche tritata, freschi, refrigerati o congelati Pesci commestibili, secchi, salati o in salamoia; pesci commestibili, affumicati, anche cotti prima o durante l'affumicatura; farine, polveri e agglomerati in forma di pellet di pesci, atti all'alimentazione umana Crostacei commestibili, anche sgusciati, vivi, freschi, refrigerati, congelati, secchi, salati o in salamoia, incl. crostacei non sgusciati, precedentemente cotti in acqua o al vapore; farine, polveri e agglomerati in forma di pellet di crostacei, atti all'alimentazione umana Molluschi commestibili, anche separati dalla loro conchiglia, vivi, freschi, refrigerati, congelati, secchi, salati o in salamoia, incl. invertebrati acquatici, diversi dai crostacei e dai molluschi, nonché farine, polveri e agglomerati in forma di pellet di invertebrati acquatici, diversi dai crostacei, commestibili
Città: Israele

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