Richiesta → 165467407


Cod → 165467407
Scadenza: 16/02/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: I.W. Technical Supply - Import & Marketing Tools & Technical Supplies (66218) Import/Cooperation: Technical equipment, supplies and work clothes to the construction industry Our company is dealing in importing and marketing of a wide range of technical supplies and accessories for the construction industry including tools (regular and electric), work clothes, work gloves, sun hats for construction workers etc.  We are in the process of expanding our services and are looking into the option of importing work clothing, winter jackets and a range of accessories for the building and technical service markets from any country that can manufacturer and competes both in quality and in price.  Until now we have been purchasing all our stock through local importers but understand that if we import directly from the manufacturers we can achieve a much better price and increase our profit margin. Looking for Manufacturers of professional work clothing, accessories and tools for the building industry
Settori: Abbigliamento e tessili
Prodotti: Indumenti e accessori di abbigliamento, ottenuti con fogli di materie plastiche, incl. i guanti Indumenti ed accessori di abbigliamento, incl. guanti, per qualsiasi uso, di gomma vulcanizzata (non indurita) (escl. calzature e copricapo e loro parti) Lana, peli fini o grossolani, filati e tessuti di crine
Città: Tel Aviv

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