Richiesta → 165467465


Cod → 165467465
Scadenza: 07/01/2018
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Dear Sirs, My company, Natural Style GmbH has been marketing fashion in Europe since 1976. We are most known for our knit- and wovenwear in alpaca, which we import from Peru and Bolivia. We sell to boutiques, small shop chains, and some mail order catalogs. We are a wholesaler, not a retailer. In the past we have also marketed a summer fashion program with assemblies in linen, linen/viscose, and cotton/linen, which we imported from India, Nepal, and Turkey. We discontinued the summer program several years ago. We want to market once again a summer program with assemblies in linen, linen/viscose, or cotton/linen. We know exactly what designs would sell to our market, but no longer have our own designers. So I am looking for a producer with a repertoire of designs he has produced in the past, regardless of in which material, and can now produce his designs for us in linen, linen/viscose, or cotton/linen. The linen, linen/viscose, or cotton/linen must be certified organic, but I am confident that a producer can find the appropriate material on the market. Our market is in the upper price level, end buyers are professionals, mostly women, who insist on very good quality but are not too sensitive to price. The Natural Style Look is lively, elegant, timeless. You can learn more about us and our alpaca program here: (prices shown there are suggested retail prices). Please send this e-mail on to members of your organizat
Settori: Confezioni per uomo Confezioni per donna Accessori
Prodotti: Indumenti ed accessori di abbigliamento, a maglia Cappotti, giacconi, mantelli, giacche a vento, giubotti e simili, a maglia, di materie tessili, per uomo o ragazzo (escl. vestiti o completi, insiemi, giacche, pantaloni, tute con bretelle "salopettes" pantaloni che scendono sino al ginocchio incluso e "shorts") Cappott, giacconi, mantelli, giacche a vento, giubbotti e simili, a maglia, per donna o ragazza (escl. abiti a giacca "tailleur" insiemi, giacche, abiti interi, gonne, gonne-pantaloni, tute con bretelle "salopette", pantaloni che scendono sino al ginocchio incluso e "shorts") Maglioni "golf", pullover, cardigan, gilè e manufatti simili, incl. le magliette a collo alto, a maglia (escl. gilè imbottiti) Guanti, mezzoguanti e muffole, a maglia (escl. per bambini piccoli)
Città: München

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