Richiesta → 165467506


Cod → 165467506
Scadenza: 13/12/2017
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Agora Global Advisors, LLC. (AGA) is seeking Italian cosmetics manufacturers (company) to introduce and/or expand their presence in the American market.  Company must have strong expertise in the color cosmetics sector, preferably strong experience in successfully exporting to US markets, with a strong focused on the safety of its products.  Currently planning for sales in Q1 2018.  Orders typically range in size from 35,000 - 300,000 units.   Products of interest are: mascara, eye liner, eye shadow palettes lipstick, lip gloss foundation, concealer, blush  AGA will serve as the commercial agent in the United States of America to: Introduce cosmetics manufacturer to the right American retail counterparts Manage all retail partner activity and communications Strategize and manage all U.S. sales and marketing Company must commit necessary resources to: Remain compliant with all FDA regulations Land all products in the U.S. on time and in full, per purchase order requirements Supply marketing collateral as requested
Settori: Cosmetici e prodotti per l'igiene personale
Prodotti: Prodotti di bellezza o per il trucco preparati e preparazioni per la conservazione o la cura della pelle, incl. le preparazioni antisolari e le preparazioni per abbronzare; preparazioni per manicure o pedicure (escl. i medicamenti)
Città: Atlanta, GA

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