Richiesta → 165467972


Cod → 165467972
Scadenza: 16/05/2017
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Dear, if I may ask you for a possibility of business cooperation in the following fields: 1. ETHEREAL OILS PRODUCTION I own a destiller and run production of ethereal oils. Therefore I need someone who is willing to conclude a contract on delivery, price and quantity of oils. I cooperate with the instituts for professional quality assessment as well. There is also possible to send the samples to Italy for the analysis. 2. WILD FRUITS AND MUSHROOMS To buy them up in Serbia and launch them in Italy.Conclusion of contract on business cooperation as well. 3. HYDRO PLANTS Construction of hydro plants in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.Conclusion of contract on business cooperation as well as financial contract, considering greater financial means. 4. LUMBER Buying up lumber in Serbia and exporting it to Italy. 5. SILK PRODUCTION If I find persons interested in cooperation, I would produce silk in Serbia. In that case, I would need an equipment for the processing from a cocoon to the final silk product. The product launch in Italy with the contract. 6. FOOD ADDITIVES I would need an equipment for a food additives production, since I own natural resources. Contract on delivery to the interested ones in Italy. My e-mail address VIDEBOGIC@GMAIL.COM My name is Vidosav Bogicevic, from village of Kratovo. 31330 Priboj. The production would take place in Priboj, rather at my own property which is located in the hamlet of Jelaca. It would be possible for me to come to Ital
Settori: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare
Prodotti: Prodotti dell'industria alimentare
Città: Priboj

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