Richiesta → 165468103


Cod → 165468103
Scadenza: 20/01/2017
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: Lord’s Tailor first began back in the 1970’s. Its founder and managing director Robert Loh trained under some of the most skillful masters and renowned tailors of the day in London’s Tailor & Cutter. In 1976, their first big break came in the form of heavyweight boxing champ, Muhammad Ali. This unforgettable experience with the legendary boxing champ was featured by the papers and soon orders came pouring in. Lord’s Tailor’s reputation for quality and fitting suit began to spread. They are currently looking quality fabrics from Italy
Settori: Confezioni per uomo
Prodotti: Vestiti o completi, insiemi, giacche pantaloni, tute con bretelle "salopette", pantaloni che scendono sino al ginocchio incluso e "shorts", per uomo o ragazzo (escl. a maglia, nonché giacche a vento e simili, gilè presentati separati, tute sportive, vestiti o completi da sci e costumi da bagno) Cravatte, cravatte a farfalla e sciarpe-cravatte, di materie tessili (escl. a maglia)
Città: Kuala Lumpur

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