Richiesta → 165468138


Cod → 165468138
Scadenza: 19/01/2017
Tipologia: Domanda
Testo: ASIAEURO is a leading distributor of wines and spirits in Malaysia with an extensive portfolio of premium brands from many of the major wineries and distilleries around the world.Incorporated in 1999, ASIAEURO was a pioneer in the supply of fine wines to met the growing domestic demand for wine appreciation.Subsequently, the Group added a broad range of spirits to its election to tap into the sizeable and increasingly-discerning market for alcoholic products.Since its establishment, the Group has developed an excellent track record of meeting the needs of customers and has gained the trust of suppliers for its reliability and integrity.In the last 10 years, ASIAEURO has also steadily widened its distribution network to all major urban centres in Malaysia nd is today poised to extend its footprint across many parts of Asia.It has already established a presence in Hong Kong and China, specifically the thriving cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos through strategic partnerships with local players.This regional foray represents the beginning of a new phase for the Group as it seeks to develop additional markets in the rapidly-emerging economies of China and other Southeast Asian countries.With such exciting prospects to come, spirits are definitely high at ASIAEURO!
Settori: Industria enologica Vino e altre bevande
Prodotti: Bevande, liquidi alcolici ed aceti Vini di uve fresche, incl. i vini arricchiti di alcole; mosti di uva, parzialmente fermentati e con titolo alcolometrico effettivo > 0,5% vol o aventi un effettivo tenore, in peso, > 0,5% vol di alcole addizionato Sidro, sidro di pere, idromele ed altre bevande fermentate; miscugli di bevande fermentate e miscugli di bevande fermentate e di bevande (non alcoliche), n.n.a. (escl. la birra, i vini di uve fresche, i mosti di uva nonché il vermut ed altri vini di uve fresche aromatizzati con piante o con altre sostanze)
Città: Petaling Jaya

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